Five Ways to Feng-Shui Your Home Office During Lockdown ( You don’t need to buy anything )

None of us would have thought this would happen. Even a month ago. With WFH or work-from-home becoming the new normal – there are some of us who have taken to it like fish to water and another lot of us who are still struggling to deal with it. This new and unfamiliar reality with entire families at home and lack of house help has created a whole new set of challenges.

And without the comfort and familiarity of a designated workspace with virtual contact ruling – it’s perfectly normal to feel disoriented and anxious. All the more reason -then to make a calm space to which one can retreat to and work efficiently from.

Mindfulness masters say that “ …creating space is the foundation for our mental and physical health. Right now, everything has shifted, so redesigning the space in your home to create a workspace is key.  For those working at home, it’s important to have both boundaries for our workshop, but also an area or environment that allows us to feel both calm and productive.”

And that’s where the science and art of feng shui and its few simple principles can enable you to make a space that’s not just pleasing to look at but also makes you feel fresh and positive – enabling you to get things done well and in time.

Feng shui – or the flow of good energy can be easily enabled in any space, by arranging your furniture, use of colours, creative usage of home accents you have lying around, bringing plants in and more. Here are some specific  pointers that our creative team has been using when working from home to good effect !

Pick just one space

Figure out a space that you feel comfortable in. Make that your “workspace”  – and let no one enter that zone. If need be draw an invisible boundary in your mind’s eye and demarcate it from the rest of the home. This will help you concentrate and get you into the work state of mind. You can keep your favourite things at arm’s reach – to feel good –  a bar of chocolate, a picture of your baby or even a favourite Laughing Buddha – that brings in wealth and happiness.


De-clutter the clutter

Channel your inner Marie Kondo – because a cluttered space does not lend itself to free flowing good energy. Keep your space free of unnecessary stuff – and do away with any other white noise by switching off the TV playing in the background. All this will enable focus and calm.



Let there be light

Let there be light – Glow with our Desktop Lights and Lamps selection here

Being near a window will keep you inspired and attentive. Open the windows and let the fresh ( now thankfully not polluted ) air in. Keep a patch of blue sky to look up to occasionally. Let chirping birds be your background music. Or if it’s too warm – close the windows but do not draw the curtains and keep your workspace with a view. A favourite table lamp can create warm, soft glow for evenings.


Go green

Go Green –See Pretty Tabletop Planters here

It’s a fact that being with plants can ease the mind, reduce stress and even improve productivity. And for additional benefit – the money plant also called the Feng shui money tree is a hardy indoor / outdoor plant that ensures wealth – especially when placed in the north-west corner of your home or where you keep your money – as advised by experts.


Add Zen and stay calm

Stay Calm – Explore our Zen themed Décor Accents here

Make a conscious to stay calm with a bit of help. Be it your favourite essential oil,  ambient sounds or a mantra playing in the background or even keeping a lucky charm close to you. Of course – this is a very personal thing and you can do what makes you feel that way,

We’re enjoying being in our mindful work from home workspaces. We hope that our recommendations will help you create your very own motivating and meaningful  space,  too !

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